Healing Alchemy is a form of energy medicine in which specific photon bands of high frequency light as well as numerics, symbols and geometrics are used to alchemize or disintegrate low frequencies. This information comes often from the flow of information from the upper chakras into the body as well as from store houses of crystalline healing information found in crystal libraries all over the cosmoses. The higher frequency the soul and the body becomes, the more access to deeply healing energies and information is available. That’s why everything we do is about increasing the frequency of the body and soul.
Love which is a rose pink quartz photon band of frequency is the best healing energy for fear. Restoration frequency is the best blue photon band for alchemizing atheist energies which tell the body that energy isn’t real so there’s nothing with which to heal or create. The violet and orange spectrums of frequency are the best for healing pain frequencies in the body.
There is an infinite supply of energy available for everyone. As we all go up in frequency, the power to access that infinite supply multiplies exponentially.