Last night right before I went to sleep, I saw a set of 3 keys dangling on a gold chain. I asked ”Are those for me?” And I saw a “not yet” sign posted. So of course, being the curious creature that I am, I asked, “Then when?” And the response I saw was a gold light bulb. My awareness was that when more light was activated within me, I could hold that trinity of crystalline keys.
And life is like that… you don’t get what you want when you want it. So there’s this awareness that requires patience, going up in frequency, and accessing your higher self’s information to activate those keys… those keys that unlock more healing and creative information…. more awareness as we step forward on our next part of this journey we call life.
So let’s play a game… a locksmith sort of game. Let’s look for a door with a big lock, seal, or bind on it that unlocks more of your information. Use your hand to help you locate the door. Once you have found it, ask your higher self to put the gold key in the lock and give you more access to that stored information. Then let’s move to the second space with a big lock and let’s do the same thing …. asking for the key and popping more seals on information in a storage shed in your body. Because things are just more powerful in threes … everyone hold out your right hand one more time and ask for the key to the third lock of stored information in your body. This will be a huge skeleton key of union gold. When you find that place within your body where the information and healing alchemy has been stored, then use that third huge key to unlock the healing alchemy within you!
And yes, we are playing a game. It’s not really a locksmith game. It’s the game of Life. How do we win? By going up in frequency, healing the low frequencies as you unlock new information, activating more new designs and crystalline treasures within the body as you access more of your awareness of your part in the One Love… shared by All …. and that’s the “TRUTH.”
Love and blessings from my grateful heart to yours!