It’s such an exciting time on the planet!!!! It’s a time of inner transformation, recalibration and a reorganization of information that is realigning our inner landscape as well as redesigning our outer world to accommodate the massive internal shifts. Are you feeling it lately?
It’s a time like no other and that can create a lot of fear, fear and more fear as we all move beyond the safe and familiar terrain into unknown levels of love, clarity and creativity.
In order to journey into the new and unknown, we often have to surrender the safe and familiar beliefs and ideas we have embraced along with the collective narrative we have created to support those old frames. As my higher self likes to remind me, “ you have to stop clinging to the door of the old house while it’s burning down and take a quantum leap up in frequency to have a brand new home”. So why do we do that? Fear… it’s an epidemic these days!
The pendulum tends to swing alternately from one extreme to the other. The truth is often found in the stillness somewhere in the middle when the pendulum stops its motion. Fear keeps the pendulum of awareness away from the middle and has it swinging wildly from one extreme to the other.
Have you ever had a really small obstacle in your life that fear spun into a dark deep pit of despair? Has your mind ever become so enmeshed by fear to such a degree that you lost your ability to problem solve or create? Does the fear of others affect your day or your decisions? If so, then how can you transform the fear that creates this lack of clarity in your life?
And the simple yet often seemingly challenging solution is “Choose Love.” Love is a frequency not an emotion in the energetic world. It’s a rose pink quartz photon band of high frequency and it transforms fear. Keep healing your brain and throat where so much that is not loving gets communicated and dispersed into the quantum field. And every time fear shows up in your thoughts or speech, love yourself, ask for a healing and return to that place of love once more. So as you read this message, please be aware that a crystalline encoded overlay has been placed throughout this missive to support your higher self and all 4 etheric bodies in transforming more fear.
Love yourself. Love others and practice speaking and thinking in a way that continues to build a home for you that is beyond anything you could have imagined yourself to be capable of creating from a solid foundation of love. You are the architect of your life. You are the powerful creator and manifester of it all. Choose love and watch the healing alchemy transform those old frames of fear and judgment. Love is the most powerful healing frequency of all.