On Wednesday, February 12th, the Full Moon in Leo goes direct at 8:53 am ET. Leo is about leadership, strength and love. Leo is squaring Uranus which is about experimentation, …
Imagine the background music is by Nirvana… “The Man Who Sold the World”… and it’s 3 am… and while the song plays, the visual movie is rolling. It’s this gigantic …
So here’s a picture… and here’s a bed… and there’s an overlay of healing alchemy on the picture of the bed. So for anyone or everyone who has ever been …
In my dreams last night, I was pregnant with possibilities and new creations. Even while dreaming, I was excited to give birth to something new! The dream had many lucid …
It’s just an observation Have you noticed how love transforms everything? It’s amazing to observe how the love of a friend can turn a tragedy into a comedy some days… …